All India Thal Sainik Camp-2023 (AITSC-23) for NCC cadets (Boys and Girls) of all states was conducted from 19 to 30 Sep 2023 at DG NCC Carriappa Parade Ground, Delhi Cantonment, New Delhi. Cadets from 17 different Directorates representing all the states and UTs of India participated in the camp which aims to foster a sense of discipline, leadership, comradeship, and National Integration amongst the cadets.
A team of 51 Boys Cadets and 40 Girls Cadets represented the NCC Directorate (Andhra Pradesh and Telangana).

They participated in various competitions such as Map Reading, Field Signals, Judging Distance, Obstacle Training, Tent Pitching, etc. The NCC Cadets (Boys and Girls) of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana Directorate performed exceedingly well. The girls’ contingent ranked overall fourth position.
The boys’ contingent stood overall in the Second position. In the Inter Directorate Service Shooting championship, participants of the NCC Directorate (Andhra Pradesh and Telangana) stood overall First, an achievement and proud moment for both the states and the NCC Fraternity of AP&T NCC Directorate.
The competition culminated on 30 Sep 2023 and the Andhra Pradesh and Telangana teams reached Secunderabad on 02 Oct 2023. The Cadets along with the support staff were felicitated on 03 Oct 2023 at NCC Directorate Andhra Pradesh & Telangana, Secunderabad. DDG, NCC Directorate (AP&T) Air Commodore VM Reddy interacted and congratulated all the cadets and the team for the exemplary performance by in All India Thal Sainik Camp-2023.

Photo Captions:
001 & 002: Air Commodore VM Reddy, DDG NCC Directorate (AP&T) felicitating NCC Cadets who excelled in All India Thal Sainik Camp.
003 & 004: Air Commodore VM Reddy, DDG NCC Directorate (AP&T) interacting with NCC Cadets who participated in All India Thal Sainik Camp.
005: Air Commodore VM Reddy, DDG NCC Directorate (AP&T) with the Cadets, Commanding Officers, and support staff of All India Thal Sainik Camp.
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