• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

No Rest For Me Until I Bring BJP in Power: State BJP Chief

Bandi Sanjay Made Satirical Comments on CM KCRBandi Sanjay Made Satirical Comments on CM KCR

Hyderabad, Oct.7 (Hydnow): State BJP president Bandi Sanjay Kumar today said he would not rest until he brought his party into power.

Addressing a gathering at the memorial meeting of ABVP former president Gujjula Narsaiah, Sanjay recalled that the dream of Narsaiah was to see the rule of the BJP in the State. Stating that he was a student of Narsaah, he said he would work hard to achieve the dream of his teacher.

Recalling that Narsaiah worked as a teacher in most of the Naxalite-affected areas, he said he carried out the propagation of the teachings of RSS without any fear of the Naxalites. He said Narsaiah had produced several leaders like him besides doing a lot of social services.


He said he got the opportunity to take blessings of Narsaiah at a meeting in Warangal. Stating that he did not see leaders like Deen Dayal Upadhyay and Yashwant Rao, he said he would see their images in the face of Narsaiah. (Hydnow)

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