
SIO Telangana In Collaboration With HMI Organised An Academic Summit On The Life Of Prophet Ibrahim

SIO Telangana In Collaboration With HMI Organised An Academic Summit On The Life Of Prophet Ibrahim

Hyderabad, Aug 28 (Hydnow): The Students Islamic Organization of India (SUO) Telangana in collaboration with Henry Martyn Institute (HMI) organized an academic summit on the Life of Prophet Ibrahim recently at the HMI campus in Hyderabad. 

The event was inaugurated with the recitation of sacred verses from the Quran and Bible, setting a reverent tone for the discussion that followed. Dignitaries were then honored and felicitated for their presence. 

Rev. Dr. Packiam T. Samuel, the Principal of HMI, delivered the keynote address. He said, “We need to collaborate and conduct such interfaith programs to prevent misconceptions regarding minorities”. He appreciated SIO’s diligent efforts in hosting such enlightening programs and warmly acknowledged SIO as an integral part of their extended family.

The seminar unfolded with the presentation of research papers. Three students from HMI, Ms. Apang Chungpang, Rev. K. Jason, and K.G. Pousonglung shared their scholarly contributions, followed by SIO members Br Sattar Ahmed Khan, Br Meer Omar Ali, and Br Abdur Rafey who presented their insightful papers. Janab Tariq Muneer Sb from JIH and Dr. S.S. Waheed Hussaini Multani from HMI provided their expert commentary on the presented papers.

Br Hafeez, the Zonal President of SIO Telangana, said “We need to promote understanding by increasing dialogue between Abrahamic and Non-Abrahamic Religions, this prevents the development of hatred between communities ‘. He then concluded by summarizing the key takeaways from the summit.

The event culminated with a thoughtful exchange of gifts, fostering a sense of camaraderie and intellectual exchange.

The Academic Summit on the Life of Prophet Ibraheem (AS) was a great success. It was a timely and relevant event that brought together scholars and students from different faiths to discuss the life and teachings of one of the most important figures in the Abrahamic tradition. The event helped to promote interfaith dialogue and understanding, and it is hoped that it will have a lasting impact on the participants and the wider community. (Hydnow) 

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